A La Carte

This page includes affiliate links through ‘Preparing for Birth” virtual courses.

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Meditation is a powerful mindfulness tool that has been shown to improve mental health and ability to cope with physical pain. Continuous meditation practice throughout pregnancy and labor can be beneficial to both mom and infants. This bundle includes “12 pregnancy and birth meditations written by birth professionals and a certified hypnotherapist to help prepare your mind for the journey of labor and birth.”

Although sometimes difficult, breastfeeding is an extremely rewarding process for mothers to build a relationship with the newborn babies. A powerful substance, breastmilk, contains numerous essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to the health of your baby. Whether you are a new parent or seasoned breast feeder looking for new tips, this course will teach you everything you need to know about breastfeeding from what tools to use and the breastfeeding process.

This bundle includes both the “Meditations for Pregnancy and Birth” and “Infant Feeding” courses.

For hundreds of years, women have given birth in an infinite number of ways. From squatting and kneeling to water births and c-sections, there is no wrong way to birth a healthy baby. The most important thing is creating a birth plan that feels comfortable and safe for you. This online course will detail the many different 21st century labor processes. Included in this bundle is a beautiful “Preparing for Birth” journal and access to the “Infant Feeding” course.